Below you can find links from presentations, articles, interviews, and any other media contribution of mine. I hope they can help you have a better picture of what IASIS Health Coaching represents, how can I help you, and what I believe in.
Invited Speaker Presentation at the European Lifestyle Medicine Organization (ELMO) Certificate 2022 titled “What should any Lifestyle Medicine Professional know about Environmental Health”
Invited Speaker Presentation at the European Lifestyle Medicine Organization (ELMO) Certificate 2020 titled “The Role of Environmental Health in Lifestyle Medicine”
Invited Speaker Presentation, 17 May 2022. Dept. of Economics & Regional Development, Panteion University. Course: Corporate and Social Responsibility. Title: How diet determines human exposure to toxic chemicals. The role of bioaccumulation & biomagnification. (In Greek)
Guest lecture of mine at the postgraduate course “Corporate and Social Responsibility”, Panteion University, Athens, Greece. May 8th, 2020. The lecture was focused on the need for interdisciplinary science and a holistic approach to address the most critical issues of our times, like climate change, sustainability, and inequality. (Video in Greek).
A presentation I gave as an invited speaker at Vegan Life Festival 2018, Athens. The presentation is titled “Diet and toxic chemicals” and was an introduction to Environmental Health, focused on Environmental Pediatrics. (The presentation was in Greek but the video has English subtitles).
A presentation on Diet and Toxic Chemicals at the First Congress of the Animal Party of Greece. (In Greek, starting at 1.55.55)
I am also a regular author at Vegan Times; a Greek website that provides reliable, science-based information on Vegan Lifestyle. You can find my articles here.